Joint Accessibility Plan Completed

Joint Accessibility Plan Completed
Posted on 11/02/2023
Joint Accessibility Plan Completed

CCRCE has worked in partnership with the six other regional centres for education and Counseil scolaire provincial to develop a multi-year plan to address accessibility in public education. This is part of a bigger goal for an accessible Nova Scotia by 2030. Click here to learn more.

Last February, Nova Scotian families and staff across the province were invited to review the draft plan and submit feedback. We sincerely appreciate everyone who contributed and shared their voice. Your thoughts, ideas and feedback during the consultation were invaluable.

CCRCE is excited to share that with your input, the Joint Accessibility Plan has been finalized. Click here to see the plan.

Next, CCRCE will start to develop an implementation plan for our region. More updates will be provided as we continue the important work of creating accessible public education.

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