Today's Two-Hour Delay Decision

Today's Two-Hour Delay Decision
Posted on 01/06/2023
CCRCE Update

First, we want to apologize for the late notice today.

Our initial decision this morning was all schools open based on the forecasted weather and road conditions. However, our decision changed once we discovered the road conditions were significantly worse than first anticipated .

We hold student safety as a top priority and decided to make a later decision that, although it would inconvenience schedules, we knew we should err towards safety.

Also, today, we experienced technical issues with our website and messaging system, which we are working with the service providers to fix.

Moving Forward

As our climate continues to change, we are continuously adapting our approaches to include options, like today’s, where the road conditions were unsafe for buses in the early morning but cleared up as the day progressed.

CCRCE will now make one of the following choices regarding school closures:

  • Maintain bus and school operations as usual (All schools open)
  • Maintain bus services on paved roads only, or cancel bus services.
  • Close schools.
  • OR, delay opening schools by two hours. For example:
    • If your school day normally starts at 8:30am, it will start 2 hours later at 10:30am.
    • If your morning bus stop is usually 7:30am, it will be 9:30am.
    • School dismissal times remain the same.

We are committed to communicating by 6:30am, and although today, we did not make this timeline, we take this commitment seriously. We will ensure a message is communicated in the following ways by 6:30am moving forward.

  • Announced on local radio or television stations
  • CCRCE’s Twitter feed and Facebook page.
  • The CCRCE website
  • CCRCE’s Twitter feed and Facebook page.
  • CCRCE’s inclement weather text notifications.
    • Please note: This is a separate text list open to families and community members and is different from the texts that families would receive from their school. It is a two-step process that includes sign up on the CCRCE website, and opt-in with our service provider. At the beginning of all Inclement Weather Text Notifications, you will see the acronym IWN.

We again apologize for the inconvenience of the later messaging, as we understand it would have disrupted schedules. We do hope that you can appreciate why the decision was made.

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